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Founder Support

For Founders Who (Want to) Scale Up and Grow


Under Pressure as a Founder

In addition to finding product market fit, business model and fund raising, you have no choice but to keep reinventing yourself. Your job changes every quarter and presents you with new challenges almost every day.


Most of the people around you have a strong self-interest. Others often don‘t understand your situation.


You are there for everyone and you take the toughest problems to yourself, but who supports you? Who will accompany you in your steep learning curve? Who can you turn to with open and sometimes fuzzy questions?

To Outgrow Yourself

Founders can only be successful if they build strong teams and hand over more and more tasks. It's much easier said than done. We accompany you on this journey.


  • How can I realize the full potential of my team?

  • How do I get people on board who are better than me?

  • Which leader do I want to be and how do I get there?

  • How do I distribute decisions and mandates across the entire organization?

  • How do I find the balance between control and trust?

  • What do I stand for and how do I work in my role as a founder?


Personal Growth Through Mentoring & Coaching

  • Honest and clear feedback

  • Methods and experience

  • Illuminate blind spots

  • Communicate better and more clearly

  • Recognize patterns

  • Reflection and empathy


Mentoring & Coaching

In mentoring you can benefit from many years of experience and get a neutral view of your situation.

In coaching you analyze your patterns and recognize what‘s holding you back. You find your way to implement new insights and inspirations and transform your personal efficacy sustainably.


What is your biggest challenge right now? How do others deal with such situations, what tools are there, what can you do? What are the quick fixes and low-hanging fruit, what is worth investing time and effort into?

Deep Dives

Which mindset makes most sense for you? And how can you use, change or develop your personal behavior and patterns?


How is it going? Anything you‘d like to talk about? What works and what doesn't?

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